The Flintstones, Royal Rubble.

#1 by Tom Photiou , Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:30 pm

A full episode of the Flintstones titled Royal Rubble. First Aired in December 1965 so this was one of the later episodes where the end titles were changed to the Pebbles and Bam Bam Hollyrock Palace. Personally, i prefer the early end title sequence.
This is a very good colour copy in very good condition with only a few minor marks here and there. Unfortunatly, i am having camera troubles so the images are very poor compared to what you see on screen.
Rockarabians seek the missing heir to their nation's throne. They know what he looks like: enough like Barney Rubble to be his twin. Ignoring his protests that they have the wrong person, the Rockarabians carry Barney bodily to the hotel at which their delegation is staying. Barney begins to think it might not be so bad to become an exotic monarch, until he is told he will have to select many beauties for his harem--something he knows Betty will never allow.

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Tom Photiou
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RE: The Flintstones, Royal Rubble.

#2 by Eivind Mork , Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:44 pm

You can't go wrong with a Flintstones episode!

I wasn't aware of the newer ending. I guess I have only seen the older episodes. But I remember being very fascinated by the opening and ending of Flintstones more than most cartoons. Especially I remember wondering what they had ordered at the drive in that got their car turn over. I still don't know what this is :-)

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RE: The Flintstones, Royal Rubble.

#3 by Tom Photiou , Sun Feb 06, 2022 3:43 pm

Eivind, i could be wrong, but i think its a dinosaur steak

Until i saw this 16mm episode i was also unaware of the newer end titles, if i'm honest, i was a little dissapointed when i did see it on this print as like you, i also think the front and end titles were some of the parts i looked forward to, thankfully, they didn't change the opening titles.

My favourite character is Dino. Another thing i never realised was that Barney Rubble and Dino were voiced by the brilliant Mel Blanc. Just goes to show how little i've paid attention to the titles all these years.

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Tom Photiou
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RE: The Flintstones, Royal Rubble.

#4 by Don Cunningham , Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:47 pm

I haven't watched a Flintstones episode since I was in grade school, but they always seemed to be showing then. Like others, I had no idea of another ending, possibly original as opposed to syndication versions just reusing the familiar diner one.

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Don Cunningham
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RE: The Flintstones, Royal Rubble.

#5 by Tom Photiou , Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:59 pm

It was a first time for us, i thought it was weird.

Tom Photiou
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