#1 by Gwyn Morgan , Tue Jan 28, 2020 8:46 pm

Shown last night,27th,at the Plymouth University Jill Craige Theatre,Stephen Spielbergs “Duel”,staring Dennis Weaver.Made in 1971 it tells the story of a commuter pursued and terrorised by the driver of a massive tractor-trailer unit.
The film came on five reels,in reasonable condition for its age,quite a few splices and repaired damage,the colour was good and the sound excellent.Film played fine and everyone seemed to enjoy the evening.The film was shown as part of a university course involving road rage!Some pics of the evening.

Pics taken with phone so not quite as good as I would like.
This was the first reel film shown in 12 months the machines sprung into life as if they had been in use full time.

Attached pictures:

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#2 by Greg Perry , Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:26 pm


By chance were you at the helm as Projectionist for this?

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#3 by Gwyn Morgan , Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:46 pm

Yes I was the projectionist for this film.
They only show 35mm occasionally the rest of the time it’s digital,but when they do the 35mm I get to be a real projectionist again.😄📽

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#4 by Tom Photiou , Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:13 pm

That looks pretty good to me Gwyn, glad to see you still showing those students what reel film looks like.

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#5 by Mark Mander ( deleted ) , Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:19 pm

Looks a nice print, what a great film to show, definitely shows road rage Gwyn!! Mark

Gwyn Morgan sais Thank You!
Mark Mander


#6 by Alexander Vandeputte , Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:25 pm

Hello Gwyn,

Seeing this print has a CIC logo, I guess this was a vintage release print and, judging by its color, an IB Tech ?
Nice to see the Kinoton projector fitted with the ISCO Blue Star series lens, that must have been a pin sharp projection.
Your audience was lucky !
In what format did you project? The projector shows a lens fitted for 1,85 but the screenshots seem more like 1,37 or 1,66. Which would be great also, since this feature originated as a TV movie.

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#7 by Gwyn Morgan , Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:02 pm

As far as I am aware this print is an original 35mm judging by the overall condition.I did not look at the film re type etc but one would presume IB Tech due to its good condition over the years.
Regarding the lens yes I did use a 1.85:1 lens but I used 1.66:1 appature plate on the machines giving me a full frame on screen.This is due to the peculiarities of this set up.It is in a lecture hall,known as the Jill Craige Cinema as it was originally only supposed to be the cinema.This has completely changed with the cinema being relegated to last item of use on its uses!!The screen masking no longer works nor the curtains so one has to make the best of a bad job when showing actual film.
By using the different appature plate I got what I considered the best picture for the audience and covering the whole screen.
Hope this makes sense

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Gwyn Morgan
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#8 by Luís Caramelo , Tue Feb 04, 2020 6:57 pm

that,s what i cal cinema forever.
nice pictures.

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35mm Trailer: Vampire and the Ballerina (1960)
The Hateful Eight

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