8 Seconds

#1 by Michael Lattavo , Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:18 pm

Well, finally started my first 35mm film - got 8 seconds for a really great deal, so figured that will be a good one to practice on! Machine is still at the office, so my screen is currently the concrete wall above the coffee station in the fileroom - but, everything worked! When I bought it, the soundhead was missing the right side cover - I found a replacement on ebay, so sandblasted and re-painted both covers to match (they were pretty chipped up) - now all that's left is to get a new knob...

Attached pictures:
IMG_4193.JPG   IMG_4204.JPG   IMG_4208.JPG   IMG_4209.JPG   IMG_4211.JPG   IMG_4213.JPG   IMG_4214.JPG   IMG_4217.JPG   IMG_4222.JPG   IMG_4223.JPG   IMG_4224.JPG   Loop1.jpg  

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Michael Lattavo
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Date registered 10.01.2015
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RE: 8 Seconds

#2 by Eivind Mork , Tue Jan 17, 2017 3:39 pm

That sounds great! I wish I had the space for something like this :-)

Eivind Mork
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