Invaders From Mars

#1 by Vidar Olavesen , Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:15 pm

This has Dutch subtitles, but still a great watch

Vidar Olavesen
Posts: 5.724
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Date registered 08.02.2015
home: Sarpsborg, Norway
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RE: Invaders From Mars

#2 by Hugh Thompson Scott ( deleted ) , Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:00 pm

I have yet to see this film, Vidars pics certainly urge me to view it on the electronic medium not mentionable.

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Hugh Thompson Scott

RE: Invaders From Mars

#3 by Vidar Olavesen , Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:11 pm

Well worth a watch if you like the 80's feel, which I love

Vidar Olavesen
Posts: 5.724
Points: 13.014
Date registered 08.02.2015
home: Sarpsborg, Norway
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