RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#76 by Don Cunningham , Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:25 am

Hi all. I have been a fan of film for a long while, but have only been collecting since I got out of the Army in 2009. What started with an odd 16mm reel turned into a passion. My collection is big, but I do have some treasures. I've moved from 8mm/super 8 & 16mm to 35mm. Currently I have Big Jake and Horror of Dracula in 35.

My biggest love is the horror genre; my wife shares that and adds Elvis. So, I'm here to share my love of celluloid with everyone else.

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Don Cunningham
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#77 by Vidar Olavesen , Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:14 am

Welcome and thanks for sharing. Hope to get to know you more

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#78 by Del Phillipson , Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:16 am

That's fantastic Don, I love to hear about other people's passion when it comes to collecting film, I don't care what gauge it is, well done, Carry On Collecting

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#79 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:31 am

Welcome to the forum Don; do you only collect 35mm now?

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Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#80 by Don Cunningham , Wed Feb 14, 2018 1:44 pm

I meant to say in my initial post above that my collection ISN'T big, but have some treasures. I collect all gauges (no 70mm yet ). However, I only recently came into 35mm with my 2.5 flicks, but 16 is such a great gauge for collecting and easier viewing.

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#81 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:07 pm

Would love to know of some of your other treasures Don. What I love about about 16mm is that you never know what is going to turn up; maybe a film title that you never heard of before; then you can think of a title that you want, and maybe one will come along.

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Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#82 by Eivind Mork , Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:42 pm

Welcome to the forum, Don! For me it isn't the size of the collection that counts. I enjoyed my small collection just as much when I started as I do now when it is a bit bigger. The magic is the same when the lights are turned off and the projector starts humming.

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#83 by Don Cunningham , Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:39 pm

Quote: Robert Crewdson wrote in post #81
Would love to know of some of your other treasures Don. What I love about about 16mm is that you never know what is going to turn up; maybe a film title that you never heard of before; then you can think of a title that you want, and maybe one will come along.

Well, two treasures of mine are 16mm trailers. One has been seen only with foreign subtitles and the other has never been seen. They are English trailers to Paul Naschy's FURY OF THE WOLFMAN and THE MUMMY'S REVENGE. Not too long after I acquired them, it was noted that a company would be releasing said films on blu ray. I'm very excited that I was able to provide something as a fan and collector to make the release special. The label sent my trailers back to me and provided me with copies of the color corrected scans (you can't even tell they went magenta).

HORROR OF DRACULA on 35mm is my other prized film. It is my wife's favorite movie and happened to become available around her birthday. It helps to have a spouse that supports your hobby :) My children really enjoy seeing a film, special family time without the tablets and phones. Just watch the flicker of film.

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Don Cunningham
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#84 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:49 pm

Thanks for that Don; I watch my films on my own, as my wife works very long hours, but she has never objected to me buying a film.

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Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#85 by John Hourigan ( deleted ) , Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:27 pm

I’m lucky that I have a very understanding wife!

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John Hourigan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#86 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Tue Feb 20, 2018 5:02 pm

My wife bemoans every new film ever purchased by myself. It doesn't stop me buying them though.

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

Andrew Woodcock

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#87 by John Hourigan ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:18 am

Hi all — just a little bit about myself as an introduction: I’ve been in the hobby since 1971, beginning by collecting, as a lot of us did, 50-foot Ken, Castle, etc. digests. I’ve always been a fan of film, even dating back to when I was a kid, always asking for toy film projectors for Christmas.

I now collect primarily black and white Super 8 prints (given fade on color prints is so prevalent now), focusing on the Hal Roach shorts of the 1930s, as well as the Universal horror classics.

I’ve attached photos of my home cinema, and can project a variety of film and other formats, from a whole host of sources. After 45-plus years in the hobby, I’m now of the age that I enjoy watching the movie instead of “watching the projector,” along with a nice bourbon whiskey. For me, it makes for an excellent evening!

Enjoy it all, I say! 🙂

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John Hourigan
Last edited Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:25 am | Top

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#88 by Tom Photiou , Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:27 am

I do like your home cinema john. Very nice.

Looking for Abba the movie Scope trailer

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#89 by John Hourigan ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:24 am

Thanks Tom!

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John Hourigan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#90 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 9:50 am

An excellent personal introduction and home cinema John. Well done!

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

Andrew Woodcock

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#91 by Robert Crewdson ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:43 am

That's a very nice set up John, looks very relaxing. What size is the screen?

Robert Crewdson

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#92 by Martin Dew , Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:19 am

Stunning screening room, John. Love it.

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#93 by Michael Lattavo , Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:23 am

Great looking theatre John! Like the shelves on either side of the screen!

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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#94 by Don Cunningham , Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:51 pm

Very lovely theatre room. I wish I could create a set-up such as that, but alas the children need a place to sleep.

Don Cunningham
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#95 by John Hourigan ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:25 pm

Thanks for the kind words, everybody!

Robert, the screen is right at eight feet —

John Hourigan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#96 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:33 pm

It's a really lovely cinema room John, worthy of immense pride in anyone's home.

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

Andrew Woodcock

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#97 by John Hourigan ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:24 pm

Thanks, Andrew! — it’s great to gather family and friends, and share our great hobby. To me, that’s the true joy of our hobby!

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John Hourigan

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#98 by Andrew Woodcock ( deleted ) , Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:25 pm

It is indeed and this is a fantastic hobby to share our experiences among.

"C'Mon Baggy, Get With The Beat"

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Andrew Woodcock

RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#99 by Mick O’Regan , Sun Aug 05, 2018 1:31 pm

Hi folks. I’ve been around the forums for years now so am familiar with most of you, some personally. I haven’t posted much over the last few years on the Film-tech forum as, for some reason, I am unable to log in to it on my phone or on my iPad. As I don’t get on my PC as much as I used to, this has been a bit of an annoyance. Glad to be here and hopefully I’ll be able to get involved here a bit more.
Between my music career and the day job, I haven’t been able to involve myself with collecting as much as I used to. However, I love the hobby and try to keep in touch as much as possible. I screen films from my collection as much as possible. I collect mainly 16mm but also dabble in 8mm.
The jewel of my collection is a Kodak original print of DeMilles KING OF KINGS (27), with the resurrection scene in LPP.

Mick O’Regan  
Mick O’Regan
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RE: Introduce yourself, if you want

#100 by Erik Schoolcraft , Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:59 am

Hey all. In Indiana. Have been collecting since I was about 12 projectors and films. 43 now. Got out of the hobby when my daughter gave birth to my grandson a year and a half ago but am back. Been awhile so I am glad to see new people in the hobby and am happy to be on the forum. hope to share stories and films with everyone.

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