Without a Clue. 1988 LPP Theatrical Print

#1 by Tom Photiou , Thu Apr 07, 2022 10:16 pm

I viewed my latest addition tonight of comedy film Without a clue starring Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley among many other very good actors including, Jefffrey Jones, Paul Freeman, Nigel Davenport and a short appearance by Peter Cook.
This print is in very good shape with hardly a mark on it, a near perfect LPP colour print with a pin sharp image and colours that jump out of the screen, unfortunately, my images here do not do it any justice. Sound as always with 16mm is excellent throughout.
While this movie was not a big hit, i like it very much, the style of comedy is very often similar to Laurel and Hardy which never fails to raise a laugh, the sets are excellent and the production, set in Victorian England, looks very good.

Written by Gary Murphy and Larry Strawther, two devoted Sherlockians, the film originally had the working titles The Imposter of Baker Street and Sherlock and Me. The script was filled with numerous Doyle references, some of which were excised from the final film to make it more accessible. A reference from the real world that survived was the character of Norman Greenhough, based on Herbert Greenhough Smith, editor of The Strand Magazine, whose faith in the Holmes/Watson characters brought fame and fortune to both writer and periodical.

The following members like this: Paul Browning, Mark Mander, Greg Perry and Gwyn Morgan
Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
home: Plymouth. UK
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RE: Without a Clue. 1988 LPP Theatrical Print

#2 by Mark Mander , Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:08 am

Nice one Tom, a very good cast, print looks lovely too, I think most Michael Caine films are enjoyable(Jaws 4 even ha ha), it's normally a good place to start if hes in the film,Mark

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Mark Mander  
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RE: Without a Clue. 1988 LPP Theatrical Print

#3 by Gwyn Morgan , Fri Apr 08, 2022 10:11 am

Looks a very nice print Tom ,not one I have seen myself,very nice.

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RE: Without a Clue. 1988 LPP Theatrical Print

#4 by Tom Photiou , Fri Apr 08, 2022 9:21 pm

Mark, Jaws 4,
The thing i like about Michael Caine is how down to earth the bloke is. I saw a documentary about his career recently, he even admitted that he would take films that were bad if it meant earning the cash. Regarding Jaws 4, he bought this one up and made light of it explaining that at the time, his Son was buying a house and he wanted to pay it off for him Jaws 4 paid for his Sons house. What a character, and as for people who said, (on the other channel) that he and a couple of other older actors need to know when they should retire and stop acting, i ask, WHY?

Tom Photiou
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RE: Without a Clue. 1988 LPP Theatrical Print

#5 by Mark Mander , Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:32 am

I saw the programme too Tom, he's had a very good career and is still in demand, if he wants to carry on acting then why not, he's more than capable. Jaws 4 was definitely awful but he made it less so!! Enjoy your new addition, Mark

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Mark Mander  
Mark Mander
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