Eiki SSL-0L: Rear Dampening Tension Roller

#1 by Greg Perry , Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:43 pm

Just had a little misfire on the Eiki SSL-0L last evening. But thanks to a good length of leader(spacing) attached before the film itself, no damage to the film.

After lacing up, I started the projector and could hear the 'loop setter' tripping several times in succession until the projector shut itself down. The upper loop decreases each time the loop resetter trips until the film becomes taut on the "Upper Loop Forming Roller". At this point, to prevent film damage the projector shuts off.

Looking through the film path, I could see a wad of leader had wrapped itself around the #2 sprocket! So, no more leader made it up to the take-up reel (beyond what was threaded onto the take up reel prior to turning projector on.)
What I found was the "Rear Dampening Tension Roller" had seized up on the shaft--it was not spinning freely as it should. This roller is the last one prior to the takeup reel. This caused enough disruption to back the slack onto the #2 sprocket.

Removed the roller and could see rust and grime on the shaft. Not sure as to why the rust, but perhaps partially due to lack of use of this projector for a long while.

Put out some towels to protect from debris falling into projector. Used some steel wool, and penetrating spray to get the shaft cleaned up. Cleaned the inside of the roller as well. Then a bit of "Turbine Oil" on the shaft and things were back as they should be. Also checked ALL of the other rollers and re-oiled one other to make sure they were all free to rotate. Not a hard fix at all, but a very good reminder to take a look occasionally at these rollers and always attach leader/spacing to every film. Here are a few pics of the fun:

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Greg Perry
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Date registered 07.07.2017
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