Once upon a Wintertime. 200ft colour sound (Derann release)

#1 by Tom Photiou , Wed Nov 09, 2022 10:07 pm

This a cartoon that i had no idea was on super 8 until i came across it on Barry's list. A 200ft colour sound reel it is a cartoon i first saw around 25 years ago when i bout a VHS tape titled "very merry Christmas songs" from Walt Disney video which i bought for my Daughter when she was around five. A section of this cartoon was used in that video and until yesterday, ive never seen the full version.

A December valentine features the memories of a romantic couple in their courting days. Joe tries to show off for Jenny on the ice, but events soon turn to a possible tragedy and a timely rescue. It looks like a Christmas film, but it isn't.

From what i can find out, this is an animated short from the film Melody Time. It was reissued as a stand-alone short 1954. It doesn't appear to be available on any other format that i can find other than some short clips on youtube so this appears to be quite a rare reel.
The quality of the print is good with very good colours and it is on low fade stock, The sound is good but not quite up to Deranns usual standards as it does sound a little like a record with some scratches, the sound is loud and clear with a good quality but as said, has a little bit of a crackle in some places but it is fine, quality overall i would say is a B. A rare cartoon on the 8mm gauge makes it a worthwhile addition.

Spliced onto the start of this print is an extra logo, "The Disney Channel", i have no idea where this would have come from but it's very sharp and very colourful.

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Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
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Last edited 11.09.2022 | Top


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