
#1 by Gwyn Morgan , Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:57 pm

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I have two reels of the Paul Newman film “Winning”
The reels are in colour and scope,I won them on fleebay.The reels were marked 1and 2.
I have looked at R1 but this is three quarters of the way through the film.
In my opinion the quality of the film can only be described as fair to poor,scratched,bottom line is I don’t want it so if you do allI I want is the postage I paid for it ..£8.
The reels are flat wound on bobbins tail out .
May be of use to someone if so .pm me first one takes .

Gwyn Morgan
Posts: 1.532
Points: 4.711
Date registered 08.03.2015
home: Devon
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