Looking for 8mm and 16mm prints in Blackpool

#1 by David Skillern , Sun Nov 13, 2016 12:45 pm

Hi Guys,

I am going to Blackpool on Saturday and I'm looking for the following prints and wondering if anyone whose going might be able to help me source any of them - here are the ones i'm looking for : Universal 8 cutdowns of the following in good condition - Airport (scope), Airport 75 (scope) and the 2x400ft cutdown of Animal House. Also full length prints on 8mm of the following - Casablanca, Angels with Dirty Faces and King Creole and finally on 16mm - the film versions of Man about the House and George and Mildred and The Satanic Rites of Dracula and Dracula A.D . 1972


David Skillern  
David Skillern
Posts: 702
Points: 845
Date registered 05.02.2016
home: South Wales
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