More eBay seller annoyances

#1 by Thomas Peters , Wed May 10, 2023 6:13 pm

In addition to the VS sellers, there is another seller up to his old tricks.

He always puts "LOOK!" in his titles, which drives me bananas, since he never has anything worth looking at. He has negative comments about selling red prints despite telling buyers that the color is good.

Now he is trying to sell a Super 8 reel with a 16mm hub! The pic shows film on it, but in the description, he said someone asked if the auction includes the film. He says it does not, but claims it is the only pic he has of the reel. How can that be? If you have something for sale, then surely you can take a pic of it, correct? Then he tries to BS people into buying it by saying it can be used for storage of films if you don't have a Super 8 projector that takes 16mm reels!!! I mean -- come on!!!! Oh, and he lists it in the "film stock" category instead of equipment, which also drives me bananas!

In the past, he has sold Super 8 films without reels (or even cores) so he could sell the reels separately to make a couple of extra bucks. I heard he is opening up a restaurant where you are not given plates, knives, and forks unless you pay extra for them.

For well over a year, he keeps re-listing a film from "Mary Kay Cosmetics". Who in his right mind would buy that? Apparently, no one. Except him, that is.


Another guy recently was selling random lots of Disney extracts. In his infinite wisdom, he separated extracts from the same feature into different lots! If you are selling lots out of laziness (which is all it is), why not sell one big lot? Why random smaller lots??? And I love the people who refuse to break up lots out of stubborness.

A few months ago, a guy was selling the individual reels of a feature in different listings!!!

What's wrong with people?!?!!?

And...another guy is selling one reel of a Laurel and Hardy feature, but he doesn't say it is just one reel of a feature! As a long time collector of L&H films, I know that this particular feature was never released in any sort of digest form in Super 8 sound.

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Thomas Peters  
Thomas Peters
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Date registered 08.30.2022
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Last edited 05.10.2023 | Top


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