Psycho 400ft U8

#1 by Tom Photiou , Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:21 pm

A film which every collector will know very well. I thought it was a shame that U8 didnt release this as a 2 x 400ft edition rather than this 400ft which, while much better than the 200ft version, still falls short of a satisfactory digest. Instead what we have is more or less, an excerpts reel, but one that has been put together reasonably well. Most people viewing it know the film well enough to know whats going on. This edition adds a bit of a build up of tension and introduces Marion Crane and Norman Bates as well as extended scenes of the 200ft from Castle, it also adds the disposing of the body as well as the full shower scene and the well documented shots of the blooded water dissapearing down the plug hole as it slowly dissolves into the eye of the victim.
One of the best shots from the film is also included right at the end as Norman Bates's smile quickly dissolves to the skeletal face of his dead Mother, a very good horror moment, before the end title comes up as the car is pulled from the marsh.
The quality of the print, as always with U8 films, very good with a sharpe image and very good sound. If anything the contrast is just a tad brighter than it ought to be, but never the less, still very good.

The following members like this: Greg Perry, Gwyn Morgan and Del Phillipson
Tom Photiou
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Date registered 08.14.2015
home: Plymouth. UK
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Last edited 01.13.2022 | Top


Prophecy 800ft Colour Sound. (3 x 400ft joined)
Psycho Promo 200ft b/w

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