Getting back to normal (as normal as this hobby is ha ha)

#1 by Mark Mander , Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:25 am

Hopefully things will get back to normal with my films etc, since moving house I've not really done much film watching as things are still boxed up, light is at the end of the tunnel though as the plasterer is booked for September to smooth out the ceilings in the dining room and hallway,( eventually doing the whole house) once that's done we can build the film cupboard which will incorporate some vinyl records too, my sons a carpenter so he's itching to get on it, I've got a few designs so looking forward to filling the shelves, I'll do the same with a spare cupboard upstairs once it comes available as we're pulling out the water tank, it's pretty much the same set up as the old house but with more room to do things. I'll update as we go, Mark

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Mark Mander
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Date registered 01.27.2021
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