Peter Flynn's "Viva Film!"...a bit of CineSea...

#1 by Greg Perry , Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:34 pm

You may remember Peter Flynn, who produced, directed, photographed etc. the 2015 documentary "The Dying of the Light". Available on shiny thing, "The Dying of the Light" explored the history and craft, and the unfortunate decline, of the career film projectionist. This is worth watching, even given the discouraging outcome.

Flynn is currently working on another documentary called "Viva Film!" which is about film collectors.
Peter has posted a few short bits on Vimeo. Here is a link to one segment which will provide you a glimpse into the CineSea film collectors gathering which is held April and October in New Jersey. I was able to attend the April 2018 event and had a great time watching films and meeting fellow collectors there. I would guess Blackpool and other film conventions are huge by comparison (and can't wait for pics of Mr. Guest's event!), but any gathering of film collectors is great in my book.

See for more information.

Greg Perry
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Date registered 07.07.2017
home: Minnesota USA
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Last edited 11.19.2018 | Top


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