Something strange (again) on ebay

#1 by Barry Attwood , Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:19 am

Someone is selling the 2x400' Battlestar Galactica on ebay, now this is the 4th time it's been on their, as I keep getting the 2nd chance email, now I know he's had bids on it, the final bid yesterday was £31, so why is it up on ebay once again, starting bid of 99p or a buy it now of £40, why I'm a bit suscpicious is there's no description of the colour or general condition of the print, just a couple of photos of the boxes, if he's had bidders, why is he re-listing it, especially the day after it was supposedly sold, your telling me that 3 weeks on a trot he hasn't got paid, and not even leaving it for 24 hours to see if payment comes through, it seems very odd to me, I bid on it 3 weeks on the trot, but my bids are low because of the lack of info, I'm not bothering now, he's either got multiple prints (which I doubt) or he wants around the £40 buy it now price!

Barry Attwood  
Barry Attwood
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RE: Something strange (again) on ebay

#2 by Tom Photiou , Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:37 pm

I do find this an odd way of working, If someone wants a certain price all they have to do is either put in a BIN price, or start the bid price at what they want, or at least near it.
Theres all sorts of weird sellers on there, those who list the same title month after month with a ridiculous high price that they will never get. The dishonest ones who say they cant test it though it looks to be in good condition!!! How would they know? Fortunately, there are also very good sellers as well to balance it out, but those thick wits who do these tricks must think buyers are idiots.
As you said Barry, you would have bought it, but his selling habits make you think twice, on the other hand, I guess we should allow for the fact that he may have two prints.
Equally, there is a another seller with a full length feature of The godfather with a start price of £200.00, there isn't a single screenshot, it is listed as a rare and desirable print, but even so, it has a bidder!!!! Why, it's going to be red. Described as a rare print with only a few printed. Thats pretty much the same with all marketing full features as all the titles were only printed to order for the full length versions.

Tom Photiou
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RE: Something strange (again) on ebay

#3 by Gwyn Morgan , Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:39 pm

Nothing surprises me on eBay anymore, I like the sellers who put up a print,it doesn’t sell first time so it’s re listed at a higher price still no sell and the price is dropped below the first time price.As said some of the prices are ridiculous especially for red prints and as for the sellers who don’t put up screen shots and say it’s the best film they have ever seen,or the film is rare leave a lot to be desired in my opinion.
As for the one Barry-is referring to no sense in the manner of selling might as well start the bidding at £40.Perhaps the seller just likes re listing 😩😩😩
The other thing with some of the sellers,they all think they have something rare ,I recently saw a number of films advertised,super 8 400 ft ,but what the seller had was a box ,reel and the leader and possibly the tail.When I messaged the seller it was quite apparent they had no clue about rel film let alone 8mm.
Still does make for interesting reading sometimes.

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