The Grey Fox Trailer / Richard Farnsworth

#1 by Tom Photiou , Fri Feb 03, 2023 9:59 pm

Had to view a few small items to get a film fix after a shit n stressy week,
Among what I viewed was this great trailer to a movie I had not previously heard of, The Grey Fox.
The film is from 1982, the full feature only runs for 92 minutes and is now one I will get on the shinny disc.
The story line of this film is, Old West highwayman Bill Miner, known to Pinkertons as "The Gentleman Bandit," is released in 1901 after 33 years in prison, a genial and charming old man. He goes to Washington to live and work with his sister's family. But the world has changed much while he has been away, and he just can't adjust. So he goes to Canada and returns to the only thing familiar to him -- robbery (with stagecoaches changed to trains).

There is no dialogue in this trailer at all, instead it has a classical music score all the way though it and it really does work perfectly. An excellent trailer which I have viewed several time since I acquired it. I cannot find this exact trailer anywhere to put a link to, but what i did come across was this excellent 16 minute documentary about the actor Richard Farnsworth who didn't find huge fame fame as an actor until this movie when he was 62 years old, but what a career in movies he had from the early days of film,

Tom Photiou
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